
I am told by my tech department that CANVAS does NOT support on page text annotations as part of a students downloadable annotated text. I am having a hard time believing them.  Is this true? 


This has been a big frustration as reading "view feedback"  on screen is glitchy and often problematic (as a student I was thwarted by this feature and not able to easily read my teacher comments on my long essays.  Made their time almost useless since I inevitably gave up after a couple pages).   

My question,  if the downloadable annotated text has my highlighting,  why can it not have my written annotations?   The comments on the side are not spatial,  so I cannot make relevant spatial comments that make sense  (the student needs to click each individual side comment separately,  and would never see the spatial relationship between the comments.

I teach science.  Modelling is become a critical skill to teach students.  Spatial comments are becoming more critical for  science literacy, where understanding models in general (aka climate models) are central to our future well-being. 

Thanks you. 


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