error: An enrollment did not pass validation Course is not a valid course)

Community Member

I am having an issue with one course that will not allow students to be enrolled in it. It is not cross listed course, and I cannot create it manually as it says the SIS ID is already in use. There were no errors in creating the course, but I cannot find it in the courses list and as I stated it will not allow students to be enrolled in it. 


I did not see an actual resolution to this issue in earlier posts, so I am posting a new one. Any help appreciated



this is the exact error that comes up

21SPR-AMTA-1318-01, section: SECT-21SPR-AMTA-1318-01, user: 1163337, role: STUDENT, error: An enrollment did not pass validation (course: 21SPR-AMTA-1318-01, section: SECT-21SPR-AMTA-1318-01, Course is not a valid course)


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