Allowing for multiple payment methods for catalog course registration?

Community Member

We are considering investing in Canvas Catalog to host fee-based PD. We need the option for customers to select their preferred method - credit card, purchase order or PayPal. We work with school districts and some can pay with credit card and some with PO. 

Most platforms only allow credit card OR purchase order but don't allow for both. We currently use Zoom and have to manage the registration manually because they only allow PayPal. 

Does Canvas Catalog allow for various payment methods? I see they have payment gateway options, just like so many other platforms, but I have not found information on allowing for multiple payment options. All of the examples I have found only allow for credit card payment. 

If you have experience with Catalog and taking multiple payments I would like to hear more about how that is working. Or, if you have found a third-party solution and not used Catalog I would like to learn more.

Thank you! 

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