[ARCHIVED] Feedback on Classic Quiz - Mysteries of Mysteries

Community Participant

Will someone explain in clear language how the feedback and quiz availability options effect feedback? I need to know what to do for my final exam.  My final exam is composed of questions from previous exams so I do not want this feedback available.  What boxes should I check or uncheck to prevent students from seeing feedback.  I do not want students to have access to their previous tests at all. 

Possible combinations: Which will work? 

  1. The day before the final exam begins, uncheck "Let Students See Their Quiz Responses"?
  2. Check "Let Student See Their Quiz Responses" and "Let Student See The Correct Answers" but hide correct answers on a specific date?
  3. Check "Let Student See Their Quiz Responses" and "Let Student See The Correct Answers" but set an end date that the test is no longer available?
  4. Is there another combination that works.

Canvas technical writers, please take a moment to explain what students see and do not see in terms of feedback.  While you have clearly explain each individual choice, I am not sure what the different combinations result in. 

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