Missing verifier on attachment url : Submissions graphQL query

Community Member

I created a graphQL query for submissions which provides data for all courses and students submissions including attachments url. When I designed the query and tested it in the garphiQL tool I was able to get attachment urls that included the verifier. However, when sending the query independently I get the url without the verifier. How can I fix this? What am I missing? Not sure if this helps but, I send the query with a token I created on the app. I was able to retrieve Assignments, Submissions, Student rosters etc with this token so far.

Here is the query: 


query MyQuery {

  course(id: 'course_id') {






    submissionsConnection(filter: {submittedSince: "',last_submission,'"}, last: 10000) {

      edges {

        node {


          assignment {




            assignmentGroup {









          user {












          attachment {



          attachments {



Here is the result I get for a sample url when I post the request independently: 

https:/[school name].instructure.com/files/115991/download?download_frd=1


Here is the result I get for a sample url when I send the query via the garphiQL: 



Since the major difference is in the way the authentication works, I was hoping you could help me understand what can I do to fix it?

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