
Based on the question @Chris_Hofer answered the question correctly.  There was no follow up as to whether or not the original poster had made the announcements link visible to the students.  Chofer answered the question by explaining how to make the announcements link visible to the students - that iw what the link provided by chofer shows.  If there was another issue, then it was not clear to Chofer and it is not clear to me either.

I do not see anything in Chofer's response about re-ordering announcements.  There may be some of that information in the guide, but that would be extra information.  I just looked closer at the guide.  The first part talks about the re-ordering.  However, at the very end it talks about how to hide/disable navigation links - that is the part that Chofer was getting at.  I guess he could have stated that the part about making the announcement navigation link visible/enabled is down near the bottom.

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