[ARCHIVED] LTI 1.3 tool registration


Dear all,


We have configured an external LTI tool by Manual Entry in the developer keys by choosing the Public JWK URL method. However after we used the tool in assignments, we could see that the JWK was not accepted as the corresponding functionalities, such as grade transfer and transfer of the student list did not work. 


When we opened the Public JWK URL in a browser we could see the keys and they were formatted correctly, so we think that the problem is on the Canvas side.


We came back to edit the key, and in the Paste JSON view we discovered that even though we changed to the url method, the field for specific JWK is still present:
    "public_jwk": {},

    "public_jwk_url": "https://example.com/lti/keys",


We have tried manually deleting this line from the JSON, but it was always rewritten automatically.


We have also asked the tool provider for our specific JWK, but when we input that and deleted the url, we came to the same problem, just from the other side:
    "public_jwk": {"kid":...},

    "public_jwk_url": "",

The functionalities requiring signatures still did not work.


Unfortunately, the students have already started the assignments, so reregistration of the tool is not an option.
Do you know about any solutions with which we could correct the settings for this registration?


Thank you in advance!

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