Embed HTML file in assignment page

Community Explorer

I have an HTML file that I've uploaded to Canvas.  I would like to embed this HTML page in an assignment page.  Ideally I'd like to turn off the "download" option as well.

  • I can add the file directly to a module, which gets something close to what I want canvas-embed1.pngexcept:
    • It's not an assignment.  I want to have the embedding in an assignment page (Otherwise I need to had two entries in the Module: one for the assignment and one for the content of the assignment, which seems confusing to students).
    • It includes a download link that I would rather not be present.
  • I've tried using an "iframe" on the assignment page, with the "src" URL pointing to the file within Canvasusing iframeusing iframe
    • But this has even more extraneous stuff
    • Including a download link again

To repeat: this webpage is NOT hosted elsewhere: I uploaded it to Canvas files.  I'd just like a way to embed it inline into an assignment page.

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