[ARCHIVED] issue with New Quiz question types

Community Explorer

Does anyone know if there are plans to make upgrades to some of the new quiz question types.  Specifically the 'fill in the blank.'  I miss the 'multiple blanks' feature from old quizzes.  You can have multiple blanks now, but the interface is terrible.  Because 'enter' is used to delineate a blank, you cannot format the paragraph.  Also, you cannot organize the blanks in a table or use the math palette!  

I used to have students fill in a truth table by setting it up and then having a T/F drop down blank for each row of the table.  It was great, now it is very awkward.  

I have a multiple part question that used to be a nice series of different sentences on different lines, now it is a jumbled mess of a paragraph punctuated with blanks.  

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