What version of Unicode is supported in Canvas?

Community Champion

With Unicode 13.0.0 https://unicode.org/versions/Unicode13.0.0/ having come out in March 2020, I was surprised that when trying to include the creative commons license symbols (such as U+1F16D, i.e. 🅭) that they did not render.

I know that Canvas is using "Lato Extended" as the default font family and the Canvas source code has this at fonts/lato/extended/Lato-Regular.woff2 - but this seems to be a 2015 version of the font. Any thoughts as to a later version that would include more symbols, such as the Creative Commons license symbols, rather than having to put them in a page via SVG/PNG/...? Or is the expectation that one would use the png files from public/images/cc/*. Or should there be a 4th entry in the list of images: Upload Images, Course Images, User Images, and Canvas images? Where Canvas images could be a collection of the icons used by Canvas and things such as the CC license icons.

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