[ARCHIVED] [ARCHIVED] BookWidgets Integration with Free Teacher Account

Community Novice

I am using a Free Teacher Account as an individual rather than as part of an institution.

I'm trying to integrate BookWidgets into Canvas and have followed Bookwidget's tutorial. This directs the user to select "Bookwidgets" from the Submission Type: External Tool menu in Assignments; unfortunately, it is not available under this menu; nor, does it appear in the App Section under Settings.

One online source says: "Important! Your Canvas administrator has to enable BookWidgets before it will be available to you. Administrators can just send an email to info@bookwidgets.com, and the BookWidgets team will set them up."

As an individual, I do not have an administrator (or, presumably I am the administrator?).

Is Bookwidgets available to individuals using free teacher accounts; and, if so, how do you access it as/without an administrator?

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