Android App has multiple issues surrounding Grades

Community Member

As a parent observer, my Android app has issues displaying my student's grades.  First, under "Courses", after I select the "Show Grades" option, all courses show "N/A" as the grade.  I can see from the online portal that he has grades for each course, it just does not reflect properly in the app.

Second, when I select each individual class it shows the same grade no matter which class I click on. I figured out on the web version that the grade pertains to one of the several classes he is enrolled in.  

I contacted my school's admin under the "help" menu, but they do not have any solutions to offer. 

A little extra background: This happened last year and continues to happen this year. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the application. I removed him as an observed student and readded him. None of those steps yielded any change in behavior in the app.

Has anyone experienced this issue and is there a simple fix?

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