How to build Maths Tests/Exams in Canvas Quizes

Community Member

Hi All,


I'm hoping you have some ideas which you wouldn't mind sharing with me.

We use Quizzes for our Maths exams and have tried various options like multiple choice or fill in the missing word questions. As well as allowing the learners to type in their workings and answers in blocks below the questions in the quiz. This has not worked well as there are limited questions you can ask in multiple choice format and learners generally do not type all their workings which means they lose marks.

The best solution we currently have is to make them write the quiz in a question quiz, scan the pages and upload in an upload quiz. We have a block below each question where we place the memo so after marking has been completed and the results are released, students can then access the memo below each question in the question quiz. This works very well to see all the learners workings and for marking, but it is cumbersome as marking and uploads of marked scripts take quite a long time. We also have many difficulties with the scanning and uploading of scripts.


Any help with examples of self marking Maths Quizzes would be greatly appreciated.

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