Canvas new quizzes changing fill in the blank answers upon edit of migrated item bank

Community Member

All, I am running into a really annoying issue concerning migrated "multiple dropdown menu" questions. I know New quizzes does not specifically have this feature and gets around it using "fill in the blank with dropdown options." It seems when I migrate a classic quiz to a new quiz item bank the migration duplicates the answers in the "backtick" correct answers, thus changing all of the answers in the set.

In the provided screenshot, I made a classic quiz with three dropdowns. The answers are one, two and three respectively. But when I go to migrate and then edit the question to fix spacing, you see all the answers in the backtick are now "one." Interestingly, if I test the migrated quiz without editing anything, the question works as intended. It's only when I go to edit it messes up. It seems to me during migration, it assumes the first option in the list is the correct answer, which it is not always. 

I hope Canvas can look at this issue and remedy. For now I will just be extra cautious and fix the duplication for these types of questions.

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