Discrepancy between Canvas Data 1 and Canvas Data 2

Community Explorer

Hi, Instructure team,

Recently, we are doing a detailed comparison between Canvas Data 1 and Canvas Data 2 exported via the CLI tool by comparing data schemas, table relationships, and the information shown in the tables.

But we have found some discrepancies between Canvas Data 1 and Canvas Data 2 by comparing them with the information shown on Canvas Web UI.

For example, when we check a specific assignment under a student in Canvas Data 1 and Canvas Data 2, all the learning outcomes have a score of "2" in Canvas Data 1 while there are only two learning outcomes with a score of "2.0".

But when we check this assignment of this student on Canvas Web UI, we found all the learning results have a score of "2" matching Canvas Data 1. 

Could you tell us what the issue is for causing the discrepancy and whether this issue is also reported by other customers?



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