open badges sent to backpack

Community Member

I was a keen user of badgr. Now I understand that instructure has changed some settings and, because of this, when I try to add a new badge, I get the following error message:

"Exception – count(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array, stdClass given"

When I try to download the badge as an image file to add to my collection, it appears as a newly added badge, but with no image and this message:

“Unknown Badge
Badge import failed. Please contact Canvas Badges Support for assistance.

error UUID: 620b6bd5-c754-4a32-92ab-d9c21e7cb3b7”

Obviously, the whole logic of open badges and backpacks is that they should make it easy to connect credentials from different issuers. I understand that this change has affected all Moodle sites, which is very disappointing to hear.

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