New Quizzes Using Respondus LockDown Browser Don't Save Settings on Course Copy

Community Coach
Community Coach

Is there a timeframe for when the Respondus integration with New Quizzes will be fixed?  it doesn't look like there is anything on the Roadmap for this.  I also still don't see this noted in Known Issues even though it has been a known issue for months.

When using Classic Quizzes, you can configure all the settings for Respondus LockDown Browser on the quizzes you want to use it with.  Then, when you copied these quizzes through course copy or blueprint sync, the Respondus LockDown Browser settings would be copied over to the new course as well.  There was no need to go through each quiz and enable LockDown Browser and/or Monitor for each quiz.

However, with New Quizzes, all the settings for Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor are lost when copied.  We follow the same process of setting up the New Quizzes to use Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor in our blueprint courses, but when we perform a blueprint sync and/or course copy, none of the Respondus LockDown Browser settings are carried over.  instead the copied versions of the quizzes have no record of Respondus LockDown Browser being set for them and the only reason we know it should have the settings enabled is because the Quiz names include the naming convention required for Respondus LockDown Browser to work.  We then have to spend a lot of extra time going through each copied course and quiz to re-enable Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor with the appropriate settings.

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