New Quizzes CSS styles changing

Community Explorer


New to New Quizzes here. My teammates and I have noticed that any content styled in the Instructions section or a regular question using the RCE changes in appearance once saved (Build is clicked).

It seem minor, but squashing the line-height of regular text makes it really difficult for students to read long lines of text on a wide screen. Additionally, Header 2, Header 3 etc look bold and should not be.

Is there a fix for this that I'm unaware of? I'd like to ignore whatever set of styling this is for the content we are entering. Sometimes we use the Instructions section of a Quiz for course content, like a case study, to keep it close by with the corresponding questions.

Appearance in RCE (looks like it does on a normal Page): 

Screenshot 2025-01-09 105928.png

Appearance after save

Screenshot 2025-01-09 105841.png


Thank you,


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