Participation Dates Defaulting to Term

Community Explorer

We have some early start classes (1/6) before our semester starts (1/27) and the shells have the correct course dates that are being pulled from ILP that keep having the "Participation" dates defaulting to "Term" (1/27) rather than "Course" (1/6).

I've already looked and confirmed with Ellucian that the course dates are being pulled correctly from our SIS into ILP and from ILP to Canvas (it's shown in Canvas under the "Course" dates) but Canvas keeps defaulting the shells to the term dates so active student's don't have access to the shell.  Canvas has confirmed, too, that the "Course" dates should be overriding the "Term" dates.

This happened to 11 of our early start classes (that has been reported) and twice in two days for one course in particular. 

Other than going in manually and checking each early start course every day, is there a global setting to override the "Term" date or is this a bug on Canvas or Ellucian?

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