Questions in Item Banks - Why can't I order them by name or any other method

Community Participant

I type questions into the item banks.  I would like them in a certain order so that I can find them more quickly.  Additionally, this would keep them in a certain order when I bring them into a quiz.

Even if I go back and retype all the questions (in opposite order - so the first question would show up first - which is just stupid to have to do it this way)... I can't add a new question to that item bank in the location it would be most appropriate.  I know that when I create a quiz, I can scroll up and down the list in the item bank to put in the order I want, but isn't that just stupid.  This is so ridiculous, I MUST be the stupid one, and there is an easy way to organize the questions in an item bank.

PLEASE HELP with what I'm missing on how to organize the item bank questions (I've tried naming the question in alphabetical order/numbering... then refreshing.  This does not work like it has in classic quizzes).

Thanks for the suggestions - this is driving me crazy!

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