Need a work-around to report grades. Please help!

Community Novice

Hello. If you are using the Multiple Grading Periods feature, have you found a way to accurately report grades after the first grading period? If so, please tell others how you did it.

It appears that Canvas came up with the feature all of K-12 schools have clamored for - multiple grading periods - but did not come up with a way to report those grades or export them to a report card or other grade reporting software. The grade exports are all done ONLY by term. So if you have a full-year course with 4 quarters, the grade export will only be accurate for the first quarter. After that, it will be a combined average of the first two quarters, then the first three, etc.

I have not come up with a workaround other than to create 4 separate courses for each course. I have called Tech Support and they had no fix. Neither did my CSM. I am trying not to be negative, although it's EXTREMELY frustrating.

If you are also in this boat, we need to put our heads together and come up with a work-around until this flaw is corrected. Also, please vote starting October 7 for this feature -

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