Can't Copy a Quiz from Commons or Course without Overwriting

Community Novice

Each week my students complete a worksheet -which I have set up as a Canvas quiz using "essay" answers. The questions asked are the same each week, only the title of the quiz changes. (Essentially the students reflect on what they've learned so the questions are the same) 

Rather than rewrite the set of questions 10 times (for 10 modules) , I thought I would create one "quiz"and then keep duplicating and renaming it. I've wasted about 5 hours on this and should have just  rewritten the questions over and over again!

I tried creating one quiz and  importing the quiz from the existing course back into the existing course. This was slow going but eventually I had about 5 of them. I created a duplicate, gave it anew name and then tried to copy both of the new quizzes. Only one copied. I just kept this up and imported one at a time and then renamed each one. 

By the time I had 9 of these quizzes (one created in the course and 8 "imported," Canvas completely gave out and would no longer allow me to import a quiz. Each time I imported a quiz, one of the existing quizzes would disappear. I kept this up for hours - and I still don't understand why I can't just keep importing these - but apparently that's a bug.

Next, I tried sharing one of the quizzes to commons so that I could import it that way. The same thing has happened. So now I have 9 quizzes, each renamed with different names to represent the topic being covered each week - but for the life of me, I cannot get the 10th quiz in. 

This seems like it should be a very, very basic function. There should be a way to duplicate a quiz or even a page without difficulty. I notice that I have no trouble duplicating rubrics. The new rubric is automatically renamed with a -1 at the end of the name. Why can't quizzes and files be copied the same way? I can't believe that I am the only person who uses a consistent worksheet week after week with only the title changed. What if a teacher just wanted to run a weekly quiz asking students to identify the "muddiest point" they found for the weekly topic covered?Is there a way to do this?

Sorry for the long post. In essence, this is my issue: Each week my students are presented with information about a topic and each week they complete a type of reflection quiz. I want the questions to be the same each week and have only the topic change. In an electronic environment, I should not have to recreate this every week. I should be easily able to duplicate the worksheet and give it a new name. How can I do this in Canvas?

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