In September 2023, I started a new career as a Learning Management System (LMS) Technologist at the College for Creative Studies in Detroit, MI. Prior to this, I was an Instructional Technology Web Specialist at Moraine Park Technical College (January 2001 to August 2022).
I enjoy playing disc golf, watching movies, playing video games, playing board/card games (Architects of the West Kingdom, Dune: Imperium, Carcassonne, Disney Villainous, Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition, Everdell, Great Western Trail, Parks, Trails, and Viticulture), reading, and being with family and friends.
I am currently on my fourth Toyota Prius. The first (a silver 2004 2nd Gen) was victim to a flood that came through our area, and water got inside which ruined many of the electronics in it. My second (a magnetic gray metallic 2009 2nd Gen) was totaled in a rear-end collision. I totaled my 3rd Prius (a silver 2011) when I rear-ended someone by accident in town. I now have a 2019 Toyota Prius Limited...and it's awesome!