
Jessica Morris
Community Contributor
Apr 2, 2015 6:32:11 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Hi  @dhulsey ,I can't speak to any research on this, but I can share my experiences as an online student in addition to what I experience as an instructional designer. Since I work full time, ...
Likes: 11
Hello All, I am hoping for a clarification about something. When Canvas was using Kaltura to upload/embed media through the Rich Content Editor, I was under the impression that media uploaded in that ...
Likes: 11
Hello!I am an instructional designer and I work closely with the coordinator of our Anatomy and Physiology classes to build out Canvas content to support the lecture and lab components for these cours...
Likes: 8
Hi Nicola,We're in the same boat. We're switching to the LTI on December 23, which is the end of our Fall semester in preparation for Spring. From my CSM as well as from my testing, the Origin...
Likes: 5
We're currently using the API integration. We're hesitant to switch over because we think it's going to be very confusing for people to set their assignment settings twice: once in Canvas ...
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I was reminded of this thread, so I thought I would share back about where we ended up in case it helps others. We are currently using two tools for our A&P classes: Sapling, which  @wakimsu m...
Jan 03, 2017 10:53 AM
Hi Susan,I've seen this issue too but as a screen size issue unrelated to the group assignment functionality. If the screen is slimmed down, the avatars are condensed. If the screen is expanded in...
Oct 28, 2016 14:38 PM
I am a little late to the game here, but I wish the change to the SMS notification preferences defaulted to immediately instead of never if it was previously set to one of the disappearing categories....
Sep 16, 2016 10:39 AM
Renee, SpeedGrader is really buried in closed courses. I didn't know where to go until I saw Stephanie's guidance, and I don't know why the SpeedGrader link along the right sidebar needs t...
Jun 10, 2016 10:00 AM
 @Renee_Carney ​ I just stumbled open this feature because I am supporting a faculty member that needs to access grade information for old terms for accreditation purposes. She needs to see the ru...
Jun 09, 2016 11:04 AM

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