
Community Participant
Apr 15, 2015 7:44:37 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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5 and 7.  I believe 2 has already been addressed; when I masquerade as a student who has been made inactive in a current course, I have no way to access that current course.
Likes: 6
.select_change_password_row{display: none !important;}
Likes: 6
Yes - if I don't login to Community/Jive for a period of time, I no longer receive email notifications from Jive.  After logging in, I started receiving notifications again.
Likes: 1
Allowing teachers to add designers (but not add other teachers or TAs) would help to protect against FERPA violations.
Likes: 0
Minimally, it would be great if students could submit assignment files directly from their One Drive (similar to the Google Docs and Dropbox integrations now).It might also be valuable to be able to a...
Likes: 0

Most Recent Posts

.select_change_password_row{display: none !important;}
Oct 10, 2017 11:03 AM
Yes - if I don't login to Community/Jive for a period of time, I no longer receive email notifications from Jive.  After logging in, I started receiving notifications again.
Feb 02, 2016 13:10 PM
Allowing teachers to add designers (but not add other teachers or TAs) would help to protect against FERPA violations.
Nov 10, 2015 09:26 AM
5 and 7.  I believe 2 has already been addressed; when I masquerade as a student who has been made inactive in a current course, I have no way to access that current course.
Oct 15, 2015 08:46 AM
Minimally, it would be great if students could submit assignment files directly from their One Drive (similar to the Google Docs and Dropbox integrations now).It might also be valuable to be able to a...
Oct 12, 2015 08:25 AM

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