
Catherine Coltman
Community Contributor
Apr 15, 2015 8:09:05 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas   Idea will be open for vote May 5th, 2015 - August 5th, 2015  Learn more about voting... I would like to see more granularity in the report of cou...
Likes: 228
I would like to see course analytics function better because this feature does not work for courses which have a high number of students enrolled on them.   🔎 This idea has been archived. Whi...
Likes: 55
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas I would like to see a jumbled sentence question type. When we changed from WebCT to Canvas none of these question types imported and they are used ...
Likes: 6
Joshua and LisaI have been carrying out a lot of cross-listing recently - I have found it is better to use the SIS code where it says 'Or Enter the Course's ID.  You can find the SIS code from...
Likes: 4
Thank you for sharing.
Likes: 3

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Amongst other things, here are five things I do before the start of the September term:Prepare face-to-face Canvas orientation sessions for new and returning students.Provide advice and support to new...
Sep 08, 2015 07:27 AM
Joshua and LisaI have been carrying out a lot of cross-listing recently - I have found it is better to use the SIS code where it says 'Or Enter the Course's ID.  You can find the SIS code from...
Aug 14, 2015 02:15 AM
You can add files such as a PDF to the ePortfolio see How do I upload a file or image to my ePortfolio page?  You can upload directly from your PC or from your personal files in Canvas (Settings | Fil...
Jun 05, 2015 02:44 AM
I agree with you regarding having a blog as a feature of the eportfolio.  In the eportfolio I use for my own personal development, I have the ability to create a blog or any number of blogs.  I found ...
May 12, 2015 07:49 AM
Thank you for sharing.
May 05, 2015 02:42 AM

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