
Lisa Ames
Community Novice
Apr 15, 2015 8:17:53 AM
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Just being me.

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We have integrated Starfish at UMW and it works very well WITH THE EXCEPTION of cross-listed courses. We are not able to pull student data from any secondary section, only the original. In other words...
Likes: 7
The Mid-Atlantic Canvas Users Group is holding a regional conference at Longwood University in Farmville, Virginia this FRIDAY, APRIL 25!We've got a full day of great sessions lined up, so come on...
Likes: 6
We're looking for someone who can help us with a one-off project integrating Canvas APIs & WordPress. If you've got the skills and an interest, contact Mary Kayler mkayler@umw.edu for ...
Likes: 4
Joshua, My instructors are receiving the same message. I filed a ticket and the response I have received is that instructors need permission (as Kona has indicated) for the "Manage (create/add/del...
Likes: 4

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Thanks Stefanie!
Oct 20, 2015 12:17 PM
We're looking for someone who can help us with a one-off project integrating Canvas APIs & WordPress. If you've got the skills and an interest, contact Mary Kayler mkayler@umw.edu for ...
Oct 20, 2015 09:02 AM
Yes, I do that as well. It is a time-saver. Thanks for mentioning it Catherine.
Aug 14, 2015 07:59 AM
Joshua, My instructors are receiving the same message. I filed a ticket and the response I have received is that instructors need permission (as Kona has indicated) for the "Manage (create/add/del...
Aug 13, 2015 12:04 PM
We have integrated Starfish at UMW and it works very well WITH THE EXCEPTION of cross-listed courses. We are not able to pull student data from any secondary section, only the original. In other words...
May 09, 2015 21:42 PM

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