
AnnMarie Johnson
Community Contributor
Apr 15, 2015 10:47:46 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Funds to go to 1-2 conferences (say, InstructureCon plus something like Madison WI's distance ed conference or Sloan-C's Orlando one [has a new name I forget what it is argh). Cost-wise, look ...
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I believe that has come from copying--possibly from Word, maybe simple from another webpage (even Canvas). Whenever you see such messy code with spans, it's almost always Word.
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Cliff, I completely agree with you! I have only found one use case, across dozens of courses: putting the rubric on a draft assignment. Since that's the odd one out (and in all the Canvas courses ...
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Thank you! Glad to know it about title. However, for captions, Canvas still strips out align = "bottom" which is what we want to do on a specific table type (putting the caption below the ...
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Assignments, discussions, and quizzes in modules simply point to the item. So if you create it in one place, and then copy it, you are still pointing to the same assignment/discussion/quiz. You have t...
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But, does the final grade only take into account it being 100% not 125%? I thought it did, but it's been a while since I tested a grade book item or category with more than the total possible poin...
May 09, 2017 12:32 PM
For accessibility and usability, you should avoid using titles. The Paciello Group gives a good explanation why in HTML5 Accessibility Chops: title attribute use and abuse. For definitions, I would re...
May 03, 2017 07:46 AM
I believe that has come from copying--possibly from Word, maybe simple from another webpage (even Canvas). Whenever you see such messy code with spans, it's almost always Word.
Apr 03, 2017 06:30 AM
Cliff, I completely agree with you! I have only found one use case, across dozens of courses: putting the rubric on a draft assignment. Since that's the odd one out (and in all the Canvas courses ...
Mar 28, 2017 10:26 AM
It's not working because your page URL doesn't end in .html. That is, to use an anchor, it has to look like https://college.instructure.com/courses/15123/pages/textbooks.html#books AnnMarie
Mar 14, 2017 14:17 PM

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