
Dianne Damschen
Community Participant
Apr 20, 2015 9:56:25 AM
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High School teacher who has been using Canvas since 2014

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Hello everyone,I am working with a follow teacher who has been using the Flipgrid LTI the past several years with no issues. She teaches ASL so her students are using flipgrid for many assignments. Th...
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Thank you  @Chris_Hofer ​! That helped
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Update:It seems the "fix" our site admin did last Friday (uninstall/install of Flip LTI) at the instutional level worked for the orginal issue. The teacher was able to create a new intergrated...
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Hey everyone- glad to know its just not this individual teacher or our institution. I am about to call Canvas Support. We've tried everything Flip FAQ recomends and nothing as worked. I will updat...
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 @dhulsey ​Heard back from custom support and it was a spelling error! :smileyangry:. Whoever set up the custom field misspelled "assignment" (forgot the 'n') and therefore the cod...
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Most Recent Posts

Who: ASL teacher What: Teacher recorded videos of instructor signing. Each video was then uploaded into a question stem. When it comes time for students to take the quiz, they are seeing a 403 Error. ...
Oct 04, 2024 16:36 PM
Feature to turn on rather than turn off- Our school feels the same way.
Aug 08, 2024 22:30 PM
Is there a way to change the default "Hide grade distribution graphs from students" from not being 'checked' to being 'checked'? Without having each teacher remember to select ...
Aug 08, 2024 14:23 PM
I use Code.org to teach APCSP. Last week I saw this . Here is the link to the Guides. My question is this - Is Canvas supporting this "Early Access"?  This would be fantastic! 
Apr 29, 2024 13:53 PM
@johnod120 Thank you for asking this question. Our Canvas admin creates our courses using data from our SIS. I am also assuming that Copy this Course creates a new course and copies the content ov...
Feb 26, 2024 13:39 PM

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