
Joanna O.
Community Participant
Apr 22, 2015 11:35:31 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

Most Liked Posts

Tap/click map to enlargeJoanna DoHarvard University, Division of Continuing Education - HigherEdAdult learners are a separate tribe from K-12 students. Andragogical principles matter when designing fo...
Likes: 1
We want to recommend instructors to use Canvas Inbox rather than messaging via their personal email for privacy and security. However, it's an uphill battle when basic functionality isn't ther...
Likes: 0
Yes, please! This would improve workflow significantly and empower everyone to work on content in a more meaningful way rather than individually clicking through many many items to unpublish. 
Likes: 0
Has there been any movement on adding a warning to the email to not include attachments when replying to Canvas notification email? It seems it wouldn't take much to add it after the "You can ...
Likes: 0
We have course templates but it would be nice to be able to embed announcements/ announcement banner within the page- i.e. if the announcements page and had a WZSIWYG too.
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Most Recent Posts

We want to recommend instructors to use Canvas Inbox rather than messaging via their personal email for privacy and security. However, it's an uphill battle when basic functionality isn't ther...
Sep 13, 2022 13:23 PM
Yes, please! This would improve workflow significantly and empower everyone to work on content in a more meaningful way rather than individually clicking through many many items to unpublish. 
May 12, 2022 09:39 AM
Has there been any movement on adding a warning to the email to not include attachments when replying to Canvas notification email? It seems it wouldn't take much to add it after the "You can ...
Mar 27, 2017 14:11 PM
Tap/click map to enlargeJoanna DoHarvard University, Division of Continuing Education - HigherEdAdult learners are a separate tribe from K-12 students. Andragogical principles matter when designing fo...
Apr 27, 2016 10:36 AM
We have course templates but it would be nice to be able to embed announcements/ announcement banner within the page- i.e. if the announcements page and had a WZSIWYG too.
May 14, 2015 11:42 AM

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