
Community Member
Apr 23, 2015 6:20:23 PM
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As an teacher, I would like the numbered indicator next to the Inbox link include how many unread Submission comments I have. Although I keep my Canvas to email notifications turned on, a large number...
Likes: 208
I'm hoping they have some good old Canadian Cuisine! Nothing warms a soul like a bowl of Poutine. (Granted, we've nicked-named it "Heart Attack in a Bowl", but still...
Likes: 3
Could a checkbox be added that says..."After initial due date, only allow reply to postings (or peer postings)"?The functionality would apply "close for comments" to the main prompt af...
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Canvas does have alert students to new comments in the Recent Feedback area. My desire for this feature request is to have an alert for instructors as well, either in the Inbox OR in the Recent Feedba...
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Hi Allison et al:Having a count in the Submission Comment sub-menu would be advantageous to quickly see where to go in the Inbox.Remember, the main concern here is there is no alert in Canvas to let f...
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Most Recent Posts

I'm hoping they have some good old Canadian Cuisine! Nothing warms a soul like a bowl of Poutine. (Granted, we've nicked-named it "Heart Attack in a Bowl", but still...
Jul 20, 2016 17:17 PM
Canvas does have alert students to new comments in the Recent Feedback area. My desire for this feature request is to have an alert for instructors as well, either in the Inbox OR in the Recent Feedba...
Mar 25, 2016 08:23 AM
Hi Allison et al:Having a count in the Submission Comment sub-menu would be advantageous to quickly see where to go in the Inbox.Remember, the main concern here is there is no alert in Canvas to let f...
Mar 23, 2016 09:48 AM
For students they see comments under "Recent Feedback" on their dashboard and inside the course. Instructors do not. Though students seeing 3-5 individual comments from 2-3 courses may be more...
Feb 23, 2016 10:51 AM
HI Biray:Thank you for your reply. For the indicator I was referring to the one next to the Inbox on the dashboard In our instance of Canvas (cloud-hosted), our unread submission comments are not refl...
Sep 21, 2015 04:38 AM

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