
Jeffrey Gold
Community Novice
Apr 27, 2015 5:38:25 PM
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Jeffrey was educated at Westminster College, Cambridge University, and the University of Utah. Originally trained in pre-professional physics, microelectronic engineering and semiconductor physics, and mathematics, he transitioned to the Arts and Communications, including interactive communication design consisting of graphic design and web design. Jeffrey has been involved in web design and development since 1988 when Mosaic was the first graphical web browser (and Lynx was a CLI-driven exchange program). He was there at the beginning when HTML was elementary, backgrounds were the standard gray, and links were the standard blue. In 1999, he formed his own enterprise, which creates communications (copywriting, graphic design, web design, branding, and more) for individuals and small to medium-sized companies. He is also an award-winning screenwriter, award-winning playwright, and award-winning film composer. Jeffrey an the Associate Dean of Information Design.

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