
Michelle Townsend
Solutions Engineer
May 6, 2015 9:58:46 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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 Way back in 2017 Deactivated user asked other Wandering Pandas Flying Solo to InstructureCon to join together and  @BethCrook  suggested SoloPandas as an identifier help those traveling alone to ...
Likes: 17
I came here wondering if there would be a discussion about solo pandas and the community delivered! This will be my first year at InstructureCon without any of my team members (attended Keystone last ...
Likes: 4
Last year was my third InstructureCon but my first time there solo. It can be a little overwhelming! This year I'll be traveling with a new colleague, but plan to help keep Deactivated user solopa...
Likes: 4
Yes, Deactivated user fingers crossed!!! That is the perfect GIF too! I wonder if  @jenny_hopf  will be back this year? We'll get the old gang back together, haha! I'll have to look for ou...
Likes: 4
Awesome! #solopandas will be a great way to connect. Looking forward to meeting everyone!
Likes: 3

Most Recent Posts

I'm seeing the same issue on a few Studio videos and I have an open ticket with Instructure support. Were you able to find an answer or solution? This is what we observed: When attempting to downl...
Mar 19, 2024 12:52 PM
I have encountered this error too. I found this information on the Google Drive API site:A rateLimitExceeded error indicates that the user has reached Google Drive API's maximum request rate. This...
Oct 04, 2019 11:09 AM
Awesome  @BethCrook ! Is stepsforbeth‌ using the stridekick app again this year? I think I've figured out how to sync steps from Google Fit so I can finally join!
Jul 03, 2019 18:28 PM
There's no need to hide in your room with so many solopandas around! I'm lucky enough to be traveling with colleagues this year, and you are welcome to join us-- the more the merrier! I can...
Jul 03, 2019 18:19 PM
Deactivated user, #instcon won't be the same without you!
Jul 03, 2019 18:12 PM

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