I graduated in Teacher of Electrical and Electronics at the Univeridad Pedagógica Nacional of Bogota. A specialization course on "Distance Education" at the Universidad Metropolitana of Chile. I have worked in several universities in Bogota (Antonio Narino, Sergio Arboleda, Libre, La Salle, UPN) over the past 20 years teaching, how to acquire knowledge and skills in teaching through media and technological mediations applied to teachers in higher education. Working since 2006 as director of Virtualization Unit for Learning in the University Foundation of Health Sciences (Hospital de san José), also during the last 10 years working as a tutor and administrator in Moodle LMS- Technology Assistance Program management, distance learning. I have vast experience as instructional designer, administrator - Moodle LMS and LMS - Canvas and authoring software.
@cibernautas, #InspectorGadget