RSMacLeod's Earned Badges

Instructure Community: 9 Year

Instructure Community: 9 Year

9 Years with Instructure Community

Earned on: 2024-07-04

Earned by: 1154 members

15 Logins Completed

15 Logins Completed

Earned on: 2024-01-25

Earned by: 8168 members

10 Logins Completed

10 Logins Completed

Earned on: 2024-01-25

Earned by: 14024 members

5 Logins Completed

5 Logins Completed

Earned on: 2024-01-25

Earned by: 49420 members

First Login Completed

First Login Completed

Earned on: 2024-01-25

Earned by: 2574297 members

10 Replies Posted

10 Replies Posted

Earned on: 2024-01-05

Earned by: 2460 members

5 Replies Posted

5 Replies Posted

Earned on: 2024-01-05

Earned by: 4792 members

First Like Received

First Like Received

Earned on: 2024-01-05

Earned by: 35427 members

First Reply Posted

First Reply Posted

Earned on: 2024-01-05

Earned by: 30740 members

Instructure Community: 8 Year

Instructure Community: 8 Year

8 Years with Instructure Community

Earned on: 2024-01-03

Earned by: 46152 members

Instructure Community: 7 Year

Instructure Community: 7 Year

7 Years with Instructure Community

Earned on: 2024-01-03

Earned by: 137296 members

Instructure Community: 6 Year

Instructure Community: 6 Year

6 Years with Instructure Community

Earned on: 2024-01-03

Earned by: 254893 members

Instructure Community: 5 Year

Instructure Community: 5 Year

5 Years with Instructure Community

Earned on: 2024-01-03

Earned by: 386581 members

Instructure Community: 4 Year

Instructure Community: 4 Year

4 Years with Instructure Community

Earned on: 2024-01-03

Earned by: 584577 members

Instructure Community: 3 Year

Instructure Community: 3 Year

3 Years with Instructure Community

Earned on: 2024-01-03

Earned by: 1137224 members

Instructure Community: 2 Year

Instructure Community: 2 Year

2 Years with Instructure Community

Earned on: 2024-01-03

Earned by: 1477923 members

Instructure Community: 1 Year

Instructure Community: 1 Year

1 Year with Instructure Community

Earned on: 2024-01-03

Earned by: 1732912 members