Sally Eberhard
Community Novice
Jun 10, 2015 8:33:49 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Rob, thank you so much!! This is great info!!THANK YOU!!!!
Anyone else has used this feature in their Institution would be able to share some screenshots?1. Where would one goes to opt out of Inbox2. What does the Global Navigation looks like3. Can I still cl...
Wow, thank you so much for the super quick response and all the information!!
Thanks for a great session and I can see you and your team had put a lot of work, research, design and thought into these changes. A few quick questions/suggestions:1. Post Grade setting as automatic ...
Thanks Rob.Las week I followed up on the JIRA issue CNVS-29400 and found out that it has been closed. So the issue on the new UI should be resolved, in case you didn't know already.
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I have to second that! In discussions would be great but everywhere would also be great!
I was search under wrong keywords! Yes please..We have certain subjects, like Accounting, that has grid formatted answers, like a balance sheet, or some accounting journals. Marking typically is done ...
I'd echo this!I thought maybe I'm doing something wrong when I couldn't find it!Good to know I'm not the only one think this should be in Quizzes.next and surprised that it isn't!W...
Thanks Robbie.I'm trying to do this, almost 2 years down the track, while I can open that screencast link. It doesn't seem to play anymore. (I've tried it in different browsers; try to mov...
Maybe an option to show the SIS ID, or the SIS Login or both or none, would be great.
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