
Jonathan Carlyon
Community Novice
Jun 23, 2015 12:43:07 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Dear All: Here is my use case. The video is hurried and I'm no expert in Camtasia; but I am interested in your thoughts about the design. Thanks, again, to  @jperkins ​ and Deactivated user​Th...
Likes: 9
We have begun to use this as a way to embed type-sets from languages other than English, like Japanese and Arabic. Thanks, stefaniesanders​, for this post; I also learned a lot from this this Instruct...
Likes: 5
Dear All,I have learned so much from all these great examples. Thanks for sharing and teaching and inspiring.
Likes: 4
By the way, what I also like about embedding is that one can use the same embed code for any quiz question. So, if I have a bank with all the embed codes to my google drawings, I can easily add this l...
Likes: 4
Hi Matt,This tip has been great. And I just realized Snagit lets me import from the clipboard, so now, I don't even need to open OneNote: just Windows S, copy to clipboard, then "New from Clip...
Likes: 3

Most Recent Posts

This would be very helpful for finding items "on the tip of my tongue", that is, items that I remember from, say, question 7 on quiz 4, but I can't remember if it was question 7 on quiz 4:...
Dec 06, 2016 12:16 PM
Thank you for placing this idea on Product Radar. This will make a huge difference for teachers of non-English languages, literatures and cultures. If I can be of any assistance, please let me know.
Nov 28, 2016 15:29 PM
Dear Group,I am leading a group to Spain to take a class while walking along the Camino de Santiago. They will need to do numerous activities on their phones using the CANVAS web app. For these, I am ...
May 17, 2016 11:08 AM
Hi Matt,This tip has been great. And I just realized Snagit lets me import from the clipboard, so now, I don't even need to open OneNote: just Windows S, copy to clipboard, then "New from Clip...
May 13, 2016 09:59 AM
Hi Cynthia! For capturing the sub-menus that shut off, I have used Microsoft Onenote's capture tool, shortcut keys "Window + S". This tends to work for me. The screen shots are saved t...
May 06, 2016 07:36 AM

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