
Laura Joseph
Community Novice
Jul 6, 2015 9:56:05 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

Most Liked Posts

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas   Allow for a letter grade/grade scheme to be used for a quiz, instead of just total points. (This is a re-submission of the feature idea Grade Sch...
Likes: 22
Having groups set the homepage would differentiate the group space from the course homepage as the content would be specific to the group (e.g. project or topic based). A group home would also enhance...
Likes: 0
Great idea. We're finding that some of our students (and staff...) are getting lost between course and group level areas, too.
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Most Recent Posts

Having groups set the homepage would differentiate the group space from the course homepage as the content would be specific to the group (e.g. project or topic based). A group home would also enhance...
Jan 06, 2016 22:24 PM
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas   Allow for a letter grade/grade scheme to be used for a quiz, instead of just total points. (This is a re-submission of the feature idea Grade Sch...
Nov 24, 2015 19:19 PM
Great idea. We're finding that some of our students (and staff...) are getting lost between course and group level areas, too.
Nov 24, 2015 15:49 PM

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