[Groups] Allow Groups to set Homepage

We have more schools using the admin- and course-level groups feature to communicate with staff in the building and differentiate by type of staff, grade level teams, departments and others.  It would be extremely beneficial if the group function allowed them to set a custom homepage.  If you go to the pages it does allow you to set a homepage but then the group home only shows the recent activity stream.
Community Coach
Community Coach

Here's the previous Feature Idea that has now been archived due to a lack of needed votes:

Community Novice

Thank you Chris.  I did see that, I thought that I had to create a new one to open it back for voting.  Ideas that were open for voting are difficult for me to promote for voting in the K-12 environment.  If this opens back up I feel that I could get the necessary votes.


Adding this submission to the Sept queue now...  Thank you for re-submitting  @hpalmersheim ​

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

This idea is now open for vote. Smiley Happy

Community Participant

This would really give the group spaces some zing. They are almost awesome but are lacking some functionality that you expect to have because they work in many ways like a normal course site.

Community Coach
Community Coach

As we are leaving our current email program (which has heavy emphasis on Conferences aka Groups), we are looking at replacement solutions.  Canvas Groups is one of the solutions and the ability to set a Page as the homepage would be a great feature/enhancement to have!  Definitely appears to be more inviting!  So here's my vote

Community Contributor

Many of our faculty use groups in their courses. Sometimes, though, students can have difficulty navigating between the course-level Canvas site and the group-level area. Giving groups the ability to set a home page would help mitigate that confusion.

Community Novice

Exactly the problem we had! Students were posting to discussions in their group when they meant to post to the class discussion and vice versa! It's really hard to distinguish between the two home pages especially if you use the activity stream in the course as the home page.  If we can't get a custom home page, then at least Canvas should put a different skin on the group home pages ... something that makes it really obvious that you are not in Kansas anymore Smiley Happy

Community Novice

Great idea. We're finding that some of our students (and staff...) are getting lost between course and group level areas, too.

Community Contributor

Love this idea!  Can't tell you how many times instructors have asked for this. Would be particularly useful also for "special" courses like our Student Resource Center or Faculty Lounge that are using groups but the lack of homepage in the Groups Interface is causing issues and confusion for students and faculty.