Scott Houser
Community Novice
Jul 8, 2015 8:15:31 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/8671-copy-questions-with-same-question-bank Many Canvas users feel that this simple development could vastly improve the Canvas quiz/question bank experience! Pl...
Will we be given a reminder about this. I would love this regard option soI don't want to miss the voting windows. Can I submit an absentee ballotnow?
How do I vote for this? I don't see a vote button anywhere!
I wish. This has been an ongoing issue with canvas and in my opinion asick joke by the software designers at Canvas. I don't know programmingbut it seems like It wouldn't be too hard if Canv...
This has been a resurfacing issue for the 3 years I have ben involved in Canvas. Seem this would be a fix that would be a great help to a great number of people
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I wish. This has been an ongoing issue with canvas and in my opinion asick joke by the software designers at Canvas. I don't know programmingbut it seems like It wouldn't be too hard if Canv...
I know that this has been a topic of discussion in the past but I could not easily find the thread. Is the inability to copy questions in Canvas question banks some kind of sick joke? It has been the...
This has been a resurfacing issue for the 3 years I have ben involved in Canvas. Seem this would be a fix that would be a great help to a great number of people
no what is this?Mr. Scott HouserRoncalli High SchoolTeacher: Biology, Human Anatomy & PhysiologyFreshmen Football Coach“It ain't so much the things we don't know that get us in trouble. It...
https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/8671-copy-questions-with-same-question-bank Many Canvas users feel that this simple development could vastly improve the Canvas quiz/question bank experience! Pl...
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