New Quizzes: Duplicate Question

It would be helpful to be able to duplicate a question in the quiz generator. Let's say I'm quizzing students on the use of figurative language (simile, metaphor, personification, and synecdoche). I could make my first question with multiple choice answers: a. simile, b. metaphor, c. personification, and d. synecdoche. If I could duplicate the questions, I would not have to retype the four answer selections.
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

For more information, please read through the Canvas Deploy Notes (2020-09-09).

Community Explorer

This is not really available is Quizzes.Next. It is available in question banks only which is probably where you're seeing it. I create dozens of test and quizzes (I'd create more if I could duplicate questions) and it is completely impractical. You first have to create a question normally, add it to the question bank, duplicate the question, and then add it back to the quiz. And heaven forbid you make any mistakes because you can't edit in the quiz, you have to back to the question bank. I do not understand why they can't add the simple button that they have in Question Banks into the quiz creator.

Community Participant

You are correct. I have been adding them to a bank, where I leave them. I do not want students to have the exact same question. This is why I use the banks.

So I am mistaken. I do agree with  @zenas_lee ‌, why is something with as many votes as this not implemented yet?

Community Member

People want the ability to create a multiple choice question and duplicate it so you don't have to type in the same choices every time you want to use them.  This is a basic feature of any LMS and Canvas comes up with ANY complex, time consuming solution they can other than addressing the simple feature people want.  Its irresponsible and I really wish my school would look at another LMS.

Community Novice

This has been a resurfacing issue for the 3 years I have ben involved in Canvas.  Seem this would be a fix that would be a great help to a great number of people

Community Contributor

It's longer than that.   It's why snce I have a choice, I don't use Canvas -- both that I can't duplicate questions and ... they can't/won't address this.   Please don't think it's ever going to happen -- it's been promised rather often.

Community Novice

Another vote in favor of "Duplicate this question within the current Question Bank".  This would save a lot of work when one is creating multiple versions of a question, AND by simplifying the process, it would reduce the number of errors.  I am optimistic that this feature will be added to Canvas soon.

Community Novice

I am still confused why Canvas users are being asked to explain and justify an absolute need for this capability?  This duplicate/cloning feature has been missing and desired by users for almost five years. This feature is available on literally every other formative online assessment tool that I use. 

Community Novice

I have been using new quizzes and want to duplicate a question to save myself some time within the same quiz.  Is there still no way to do this?

Community Novice

I agree that a "Duplicate Question" function would be great.

I have recently discovered a workaround that is nearly as good:

First, I assume that you are using QuestionBanks -- They do have

considerable advantages.

In a small "scratch" QBank, create your first version of your complex

question, complete with images and well-thought-out possible answers. When

you have your question perfected (and carefully proofed), then click

on "*move/copy

question to another bank*" to copy your question to your desired

destination QBank.

Then edit your question (still in your scratch QBank), and when done, click

on "move/copy question to another bank" to copy this second version of

your question to your desired destination QBank.

Repeat, to easily create several versions of your complex question.

I hope this all makes sense to you. This method has worked very well for


Best wishes,

Charles Olson

On Tue, Apr 14, 2020 at 8:26 AM <

Community Novice

I agree that a "Duplicate Question" function would be great.

I have recently discovered a workaround that is nearly as good:
First, I assume that you are using QuestionBanks -- They do have considerable advantages.
In a small "scratch" QBank, create your first version of your complex question, complete with images and well-thought-out possible answers.  When you have your question perfected (and carefully proofed), then click on "move/copy question to another bank" to copy your question to your desired destination QBank.
Then edit your question (still in your scratch QBank), and when done, click on "move/copy question to another bank" to copy this second version of your question to your desired destination QBank.
Repeat, to easily create several versions of your complex question.
I hope this all makes sense to you.  This method has worked very well for me.