Community Explorer
Aug 3, 2015 6:43:45 PM
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Administrators at our high school want to be able to turn off messaging for just certain students. I can do this by manually deleting their current "Student" enrollments and adding them back ...
Thanks, Stephanie. Our SIS is PowerSchool. This would be for the sync that handles our provisioning (terms, users, courses, sections, enrollments, etc.). Dashboard to see errors, email notifications ...
Lots of our platforms allow more control of syncs with our SIS. We get email notifications if the sync does not go as planned, we can hop into an interface and see details of errors (I know we have t...
students invited to courses are not able to submit assignments using annotation tool until they accept. in a 1-1 iPad environment, this mans that they have to use the web to log in and accept course ...
Thanks, @jsavage2 A succinct answer to both my questions, and worked a charm! …and adds to my understanding… I was barking up the wrong loop. I appreciate people with your knowledge being w...
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Administrators at our high school want to be able to turn off messaging for just certain students. I can do this by manually deleting their current "Student" enrollments and adding them back ...
Thanks, Stephanie. Our SIS is PowerSchool. This would be for the sync that handles our provisioning (terms, users, courses, sections, enrollments, etc.). Dashboard to see errors, email notifications ...
Lots of our platforms allow more control of syncs with our SIS. We get email notifications if the sync does not go as planned, we can hop into an interface and see details of errors (I know we have t...
Thanks, @jsavage2 A succinct answer to both my questions, and worked a charm! …and adds to my understanding… I was barking up the wrong loop. I appreciate people with your knowledge being w...
apiruby Thanks to @jperkins and the Ruby and the Canvas API Self-paced course at https://learn.canvas.net/courses/2438 ,I am off and running on scripting calls to API.I am looking for help from...
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