
Community Novice
Aug 7, 2015 11:29:03 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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InstructureCon was AMAZING. It was fun, the sessions were very good, the food was good...a conference experience unlike any other. I had a great time, but of course nothing is perfect .Easy things: Wa...
Likes: 24
On our current LMS we are able to use as much external CSS and JavaScript as we dare to use, which has enabled us to do some nice things that haven't converted so well to Canvas. In transitioning ...
Likes: 19
Oooh, I forgot about the lack of s'mores . And there were no camp sing alongs either!
Likes: 14
Keroleen,Do you mean data entry from the instructor side? Having to use SpeedGrader and a Rubric versus using the grade book or being able to import data from a spreadsheet? I definitely see that as a...
Likes: 4
Thanks! I should also mention it works in the Canvas app. The buttons aren't there but you can easily swipe through the images.
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This would be a nice improvement for us as well. We have a number of asynchronous self-paced courses that aren't terribly popular and this would really help us monitor activity. In some courses we...
Feb 18, 2021 07:47 AM
We have had students reporting this behavior on Canvas and non-Canvas sites, but inconsistently. We have asked students to try a different browser or given them instructions to change Chrome settings....
Jul 14, 2017 08:25 AM
Jul 26, 2016 11:46 AM
The deck at the Keystone Lodge & Spa...nice place to hang out!
Jul 26, 2016 11:46 AM
Jul 26, 2016 11:45 AM

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