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Aug 18, 2015 9:03:28 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Currently, to view all the peer reviews an individual student has contributed, we need to look at each assignment to see her/his review.It would be a huge time saver to have each students' peer re...
Why contain this to just the forums? This is something that would be useful for projects. The ability to set benchmarks would be super cool without having to make separate assignments.
I understand the difficulties behind it all, but let's not be enablers here. This is a professional company with professional coders. Lots of schools pay lots of money to have a product that works...
I'm a bit disappointed with you Instructure. This is a basic necessity when it comes to grading and you're going about it like it's buried in red tape. This requests goes way back; get ur ...
Most Recent Posts
Currently, to view all the peer reviews an individual student has contributed, we need to look at each assignment to see her/his review.It would be a huge time saver to have each students' peer re...
Why contain this to just the forums? This is something that would be useful for projects. The ability to set benchmarks would be super cool without having to make separate assignments.
I understand the difficulties behind it all, but let's not be enablers here. This is a professional company with professional coders. Lots of schools pay lots of money to have a product that works...
I'm a bit disappointed with you Instructure. This is a basic necessity when it comes to grading and you're going about it like it's buried in red tape. This requests goes way back; get ur ...
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