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Sep 18, 2020 9:24:04 AM
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Currently, if I allow students to have multiple attempts at a (new) quiz, they see the correct answers after the first attempt unless I restrict the student view. That is exactly the reverse of what i...
To create a quiz, I click on the "+" at the top of a module, then I'm given a drop-down menu to choose from. The options are: assignment, quiz, file, page, discussion, text header, ext...
I don't know what you're referring to by "New Quizzes" and "Old Quizzes". When I create a quiz, I don't seem to get an option for "old" or "new".
Canvas should re-grade quizzes (or at least give the option to re-grade) when instructors make modifications after students have begun taking said quiz. Having to manually go through and re-grade defe...
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Currently, if I allow students to have multiple attempts at a (new) quiz, they see the correct answers after the first attempt unless I restrict the student view. That is exactly the reverse of what i...
To create a quiz, I click on the "+" at the top of a module, then I'm given a drop-down menu to choose from. The options are: assignment, quiz, file, page, discussion, text header, ext...
I don't know what you're referring to by "New Quizzes" and "Old Quizzes". When I create a quiz, I don't seem to get an option for "old" or "new".
Canvas should re-grade quizzes (or at least give the option to re-grade) when instructors make modifications after students have begun taking said quiz. Having to manually go through and re-grade defe...
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