
Community Member
Oct 8, 2020 10:14:24 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Students and Parents find the symbol for overdue work confusing. (In the Modules View) Shouldn't it go away once a grade is awarded regardless if it is overdue? Am I missing something? 
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Our district is encouraging us to do paper assignments. However, we have to put all assignments and grades into Canvas. If I put in a grade for non-online submissions it is still showing up in the Stu...
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When a student replies to my comment or adds a new comment to a graded assignment it would be great if the box in the grade book with that grade would change color or something happen. It would really...
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Allow announcements to be duplicated! Please.
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Most Recent Posts

Students and Parents find the symbol for overdue work confusing. (In the Modules View) Shouldn't it go away once a grade is awarded regardless if it is overdue? Am I missing something? 
Sep 26, 2024 07:06 AM
Our district is encouraging us to do paper assignments. However, we have to put all assignments and grades into Canvas. If I put in a grade for non-online submissions it is still showing up in the Stu...
Sep 10, 2021 12:56 PM
When a student replies to my comment or adds a new comment to a graded assignment it would be great if the box in the grade book with that grade would change color or something happen. It would really...
Jan 13, 2021 07:17 AM
Allow announcements to be duplicated! Please.
Oct 08, 2020 11:14 AM

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