
Stephanie Mattheus
Community Contributor
Oct 19, 2020 6:09:58 AM
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I'm a language teacher (English and Dutch) at CLT Leuven. I also work as ICT help for Canvas-related issues.

Most Liked Posts

Hi @LAURENSCHNEIDE2, Once a colleague adds you to her course, you should get an invitation in your inbox to join that course. Once you accept, it will appear on your dashboard. Depending on which ...
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Hi @Chris_Hofer , thanks for the reply.Those were actually the first things we tried. We added the published diary to a published module, and everything was visible except for that page. So when t...
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@Ron_Bowman@greydon Thank you both for your quick answers! I'll share this info with my colleagues, hopefully we can avoid any further missing rubrics this way (...especially this close to...
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Hi everyone,My team is currently experiencing problems with the rubrics. We noticed that some people are suddenly losing rubrics from their courses. We've been trying to find the issue, but so far...
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Hi everyone, I've recently received questions from colleagues about the use of special characters in the Canvas student/teacher app. Our students often use the app on their smartphone to submit as...
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Most Recent Posts

Hi everyone, I've recently received questions from colleagues about the use of special characters in the Canvas student/teacher app. Our students often use the app on their smartphone to submit as...
Dec 10, 2023 10:46 AM
Hi @EmilyStory, I'm sorry you had to troubleshoot during class. I've been in that situation and it is indeed very stressful. I don't think the link validator looks "inside" the...
Oct 23, 2023 06:56 AM
Hi @kathym00, There could be a number of reasons why this is happening. Could you give a bit more information? What are your current notification settings? Could you perhaps include some screensho...
Oct 23, 2023 06:49 AM
Update: now we are having similar problems with classic quizzes! 😫 We reworked our new quizzes to classic ones (since we cannot simply do nothing until this is somehow solved, our students are...
Oct 23, 2023 05:28 AM
Hi Everyone, My colleagues and I have recently noticed that new quizzes can no longer be added to mastery paths. They simply aren't visible in the list (neither when clicking "quizzes", no...
Oct 11, 2023 06:47 AM

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