
Dave Dieckmeyer
Community Novice
Jul 7, 2016 12:43:28 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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We are interested in creating a "Student Hub" for our community college. Our initial thoughts on the idea are to create a course and enroll every student we have in it -- that would be somewhe...
Likes: 7
Hi everyone,I am a new Canvas administrator for a higher ed community college where we have been integrating / migrating for the past year. We currently manage all our online and hybrid courses in our...
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Hi Logan,As a new API user myself, I found this site to be useful for converting the curl examples to Python. http://curl.trillworks.com You are able to choose between python, PHP and Node.js In Canva...
Likes: 5
Thanks for the reminder, Steve. I forgot about the institutional course settings.We added a global icon to the left as 'Student Hub' that I think we'll stick with. Our faculty and online h...
Likes: 3
One last comment and special NOTE:The permissions are divided into two groups, account level and course level. If the permission you're interested in is an account level permission you won't b...
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Thanks Brian! I think the main objective for us will be to include the section sis_id when we import to Canvas. I am not the programmer for the integration tool, so I do not know if he uses the API...
Jan 11, 2019 16:52 PM
Hi everyone! I hope this thread finds you well.We have an Integrations Specialist who created a bridge that allows us to import student and faculty enrollments (and more) into Canvas from Banner 9. We...
Jan 11, 2019 10:44 AM
Thanks for the reminder, Steve. I forgot about the institutional course settings.We added a global icon to the left as 'Student Hub' that I think we'll stick with. Our faculty and online h...
Nov 08, 2018 08:38 AM
Thanks Everyone for the great insights! Lots to think about here.So in our own conversations, we thought that one option is to create a public course and provide a global nav button that points to it....
Nov 07, 2018 12:05 PM
Yeah, I can see that the gradebook and rosters might be an issue - especially trying to keep it current.
Nov 02, 2018 16:45 PM

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