
Community Participant
Jul 11, 2016 12:04:32 PM
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I was educated at West Valley College; University of California, Santa Cruz (Go Slugs!); and University of California, Davis (Go Ags!). My research focuses on American and transnational protest movements of the 1980s. My teaching focuses on recent American history, with forays in to all of the history, ancient and modern, of the Americas. I also have a technology background, but am agnostic about the utility of mediated instruction for true learning.

Most Liked Posts

When I upload a .csv file of grades, Canvas displays a warning that the gradebook may not be accurate while the file is loading a large .csv file. In my experience, even a file with just 45 students s...
Likes: 6
I have successfully recorded one video using Studio on my M1 Mac with MacOS Big Sur 11.2.3, so I agree that it seems to have been fixed.
Likes: 2
Just saying "Thank You!!!!" You have saved me many minutes of tedium already, and that is ten minutes into using this great tool.
Likes: 2
Thank you for your timely and helfpul reply,  @dhulsey !I had found and read your (excellent) post over a couple of times when I first started with this assignment, but missed the part about revis...
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Just adding to the chorus of voices. #higher education professor here. I've been using Turnitin through their website for 16 years. I was at first delighted when, after my college switched to Canv...
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Most Recent Posts

Thank you for the suggestion. I believe I have to go through my campus Canvas admin, but I will do that.
Jan 21, 2022 18:18 PM
I don't know why this is marked as "solved."  My students are having this issue today, January 21, 2022, with a Classic quiz that has a 40-minute time limit. When I tried the quiz in stude...
Jan 21, 2022 16:25 PM
This does not solve the problem for me or others (see additional posts on topic). The issue is presenting with any type of assignment. Please remove the "solved" notation on this post.
Jan 15, 2022 13:30 PM
I am having the same issue, not with Quizzes but regular Assignments. Very frustrating!
Jan 15, 2022 13:28 PM
I have successfully recorded one video using Studio on my M1 Mac with MacOS Big Sur 11.2.3, so I agree that it seems to have been fixed.
Apr 08, 2021 21:32 PM

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