
John Reiels
Community Novice
Feb 21, 2017 10:11:05 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

Most Liked Posts

A group of four will be coming from Nicolet High School in Milwaukee, WI.  First time for all of us.  Go Knights!
Likes: 3
Do your teachers distribute Google Docs as assignments via the External Tools Google Docs LTI?  I'm wondering how the shareable link would work in that instance?  I agree it would be a pain to hav...
Likes: 0
I agree  @nathan_campbell .  Team Drives clearly exist as an entity separate from the rest of Google Drive, so it may be a matter of needing another Google LTI to be able to see Team Drives, but w...
Likes: 0
Our curriculum teams are using Team Drive to develop/organize Google Docs that they are hoping link into Blueprint courses.  Team Drive enables us to keep content together regardless of who is teachin...
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Most Recent Posts

Do your teachers distribute Google Docs as assignments via the External Tools Google Docs LTI?  I'm wondering how the shareable link would work in that instance?  I agree it would be a pain to hav...
Jun 08, 2018 06:48 AM
I agree  @nathan_campbell .  Team Drives clearly exist as an entity separate from the rest of Google Drive, so it may be a matter of needing another Google LTI to be able to see Team Drives, but w...
Jun 07, 2018 14:30 PM
Our curriculum teams are using Team Drive to develop/organize Google Docs that they are hoping link into Blueprint courses.  Team Drive enables us to keep content together regardless of who is teachin...
Jun 04, 2018 08:15 AM
A group of four will be coming from Nicolet High School in Milwaukee, WI.  First time for all of us.  Go Knights!
Jun 01, 2018 07:13 AM

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